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9 Cheery Blue Spring Flowers

Amazing Blue Flowers that Bloom in Spring

After a long cold winter any sign of spring is a welcome relief. The sight of a few beautiful spring flowers blooming through the remnants of snow can put a smile on your face and bring a twinkle to your eyes.

The brightness of blue flowers gives us license to think of those warmer days to come and turns our dull winter weary landscape into beacons of bright spots that can release a wonderful scent into the air.

There are several blue spring flowers you can plant in your garden. So, today we are taking a look at some of these blue flowers that bloom in the spring.

Blue spring flowers.

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9 Gorgeous Blue Spring Flowers

#1. Primrose

Blue Primroses

There are many different varieties and colors of Primroses. The ones that have blue and white stripes with yellow centers are often a favorite among anyone who loves blue flowers.

These flowers grow best in zones 4 through 8 where they can grow 6 to 8 inches tall and 8 to 10 inches wide.

One of the first blooming flowers, the Primrose can make an appearance either in late winter or early spring.

These plants grow best in partial to full shade, which makes them ideal for growing under trees. They are deer resistant and often bloom again for the second time in the fall.

#2. Glory of the Snow

Glory of the Snow Flower

Native to the mountains of Turkey, the Glory of the snow flower comes in 3 popular varieties. The C. Luciliae, which is a relatively small star shaped flower with pale centers.

The C. Forbesii, which has larger blue flowers with white centers and C. Sardensis, which have larger and darker blue flowers than the C. Luciliae. The centers of these flowers are also blue.

These flowers grow well in zones 3 through 9 and are 4 to 10 inches high and 1 to 2 inches wide. These flowers are not prone to disease and are also deer resistant.

#3. Hyacinth

Blue Hyacinth

The Hyacinth is a relatively tall flower growing to heights between 8 and 14 inches and 6 to 8 inches wide. These flowers grow on fairly thick stems that hold a cluster of flowers. The hyacinth grows best in zones 4 through 8 and prefers full sunlight though they also do well in partial shade.

Originally the Hyacinth color was either blue or violet, but nowadays you not only get this plant in shades of blue, but a rainbow of other colors as well.

This is a perennial flower that is often treated as an annual in some regions. While a starving deer may eat the Hyacinth they prefer not to if there is any other food available.

#4. Grecian Windflower

Blue Grecian Windflower

The Grecian Windflower closely resembles a daisy and is a low growing flower. This flower grows about 6 inches tall and 4 to 6 inches wide and comes in a lovely shade of blue (as well pink, white and bicolor.) with a yellow center.

The Grecian Windflower prefers full or partial sun and likes moist, but well drained soil.

This flower needs to be planted in the fall in order to bloom in early spring. These flowers can easily be grown in clumps or in rows at the edge of a garden or a sidewalk.

These plants are toxic to pets and people so you may not want to grow these flowers if you have young children or outdoor pets.

#5. English Bluebells

English bluebells

English Bluebells, which are one of the different bluebell varieties are true to their name.

This is because these lovely little flowers originated in the British Isles and are a lovely shade of bluish purple with their 6 petals shaped like a bell. They are one of the most popular flowers that look like bells.

These flowering blue perennials grow best in zones 4 through 8 in mid to late spring. They prefer partial shade and loamy sandy soil. These flowers bloom for about 5 weeks and then die out until the next year.

They also grow to be a foot to a foot and half tall and 3 to 8 inches wide and are extremely hardy plants though they are toxic to people and pets.

#6. Siberian Squill

Siberian Squill

Native to Russia the Siberian Squill is a beautiful cobalt blue flower that grows 4 to 8 inches high and 3 to 4 inches wide.

These flowers grow best in zones 2 through 8 and bloom in early spring. They can fair well in full sun, partial shade, or even full shade.

The flowers are either bell or star shaped. These flowers will spread from year to year if not deadheaded. They are also toxic to humans, dogs and cats as well as deer and rabbit resistant.

#7. Starflower

Blue Starflower

This flower is native to Uruguay and Argentina and has a sweet scent.

The Starflower is a fairly short flower growing only about 6 inches tall and looks like a 6 petal star and is pale blue with a darker blue stripe down each petal and a yellow center. It has dark green foliage that sets off the color of the blooms.

This flower grows best in zones 5 through 9 and loves sun, but also does well in partial shade. It is also deer and rabbit resistant.

#8. Pansies

Blue Pansies

Blue is only one of the colors that Pansies come in. These flowers are treated as annuals in most areas and in zones 9 through 11 they have a short season.

Pansies normally bloom both in the spring and again in the fall and grow to be 6 to 9 inches tall and 4 to 12 inches wide. The flower itself consists of 3 leaves that touch one another and in some varieties, form what looks like a funny face in the center.

These are cool weather flowers that grow well in pots or window boxes. And while they need a lot of sun (about 6 hours a day), they do need to be protected from the heat. So, a location that offers shade in the afternoon may be a good choice.

#9. Iris Reticulata

Iris Reticulata

The Iris Reticulata flower is a royal or cobalt blue with yellow and white centers and grows about 4 inches high and 3 inches wide. There are various types of iris flowers and they grow best in zones 3 to 9 and prefer full or partial sunlight.

They are both deer and drought tolerant and give off a delicate perfume.

Final Thoughts on Blue Spring Flowers

Adding blue flowers to your spring garden will add a bit of brightness and color after that long cold winter. And as you can see, there are several early spring blue flowers you can choose from.

Blue flowers that bloom in spring.

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