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11 Winter Flowering Bulbs

Gorgeous Winter Blooming Bulbs You Can Plant in Fall (Autumn)

While many people like winter, once the season drags on, most people become tired of looking out their window at the white landscape and long to see a touch of bright color or a small little flower to tell them that winter will someday end.

Taking the time to plant winter flowering bulbs in the fall will result in bursts of color towards the end of winter or early spring.

These early blooming flowers tend to lift the spirits and bring a smile to the faces of anyone who loves flowers.

Winter flowering bulbs

Here is a look at some of the most popular winter blooming bulbs that will result in colorful early blooming flowers.

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#1. Winter Aconite

Winter Aconite Flowering Bulbs

The Winter Aconite is a tuber flower rather than an actual bulb, this hardy late winter/early spring flower should be planted in the fall.

The flower can bloom even if there is still snow on the ground and it doesn’t seem to mind frost.

Related to the buttercup, these small yellow flowers are best when planted in small clumps. Winter Aconite can spread easily, forming a yellow carpet before most flowers even make an appearance.

#2. Daffodil Winter Flowing Bulbs

Daffodil Winter Flowering Bulbs

Daffodils are bright colored flowers that may be yellow, cream, white or orange in color.

The bulbs of these flowers should be planted in the fall 2 to 4 weeks before the ground freezes to see the flowers bloom in late winter or early spring.

These flowers are susceptible to rot, so you want to make sure that you plant your bulbs in slightly acidic or neutral well-drained soil. When planted in clusters, Daffodils bring bright pops of color to the late winter/early spring garden or yard.

#3. Jonquil


Jonquils are flowers that are related to daffodils. These flowers are sweet scented and bloom in mid-winter to early spring.

These flowers do best when planted in clusters at the base of a deciduous tree. Jonquils can grow 1.5 feet tall and each plant bears 1 to 3 flowers.

#4. Paperwhites


Paperwhites are related to daffodils and Jonquils and are normally planted in the fall in frost free climates (or indoors in other climates).

These flowers are pure white and have a lovely scent. When planted indoors at various times you can have fresh blooming flowers all winter long.

#5. Snowdrops


Snowdrops are small white flowers that grow from bulbs planted in the fall so that they will bloom in the late winter or early spring.

These flowers grow between 3 and 6 inches tall and will bloom even when snow is still on the ground. However, do keep in mind that these flowers may take 2 or more years before the first blooms appear.

#6. Crocus


Crocuses are one of the earliest blooming of all flowers. These flowers come in a variety of colors including purple, pink, yellow, red, orange and blue. The flowers have no noticeable stems and look like the flower head grows straight on the ground.

In order to see blooms in late winter or early spring, you need to plant the corms in the fall 6 to 8 weeks before a hard frost.

These flowers are frost resistant and do best in full sun or partial shade and need to be planted in well-drained soil.

#7. Hyacinth


The Hyacinth is a colorful flower that may be white, blue, pink, purple or cream. It has sturdy foliage, but the bulbs contain Oxalic acid, which has a tendency to burn the skin, so it is important to wear gloves when handling or planting the bulbs.

The bulbs for this plant should be planted in mid to late fall so that the first blooms will appear at the tail end of winter or early in the spring.

Hyacinths may grow to be 8 to 10 inches tall and can be a welcome relief from the stark white of a long winter.

#8. Anemones


Anemones come in a wide variety of colors including red, orange, yellow-green, blue, ivory, pink, purple, red-purple and white. Often referred to as the “wind flower.” the flowers of this plant have a poppy-like shape.

When the bulbs are planted in the fall, flowers will bloom late winter or early spring. You do need to keep in mind that these flowers can be toxic to people and pets if ingested.

#9. Cyclamen


Cyclamen is typically planted as a winter blooming houseplant, though it can be grown out of doors in certain areas in the United States. The bulbs should be planted late summer in order for the plant to bloom late winter or early spring.

The flowers of this plant may be pink, white or purple and is tolerant to cooler or cold temperatures.

This plant is susceptible to rot, so when watering, it is best to water the plant at its base. Like Anemones this flower is toxic to people and humans.

#10. Forbes’ Squill

Forbes' Squill

Forbes’ Squill also known by the name “Glory of the Snow” is a beautiful delicate blue bowl shaped flower that blooms in late winter to early spring. There are often 2 to 3 blooms per plant.

When the bulbs are planted in well-drained soil during the fall, blooms may appear as early February although they most often bloom between March and April.

#11. Early Bulbous Iris

Early Bulbous Iris

The Early Bulbous Iris is known for its attractive purple and blue petal flowers with yellow centers.

These early blooming flowers can bloom as early as February or March when planted in the fall during the months of September or October.

This plant grows best when planted in well-drained soil and receives full sunlight. Here are other different kinds of irises.

Final Thoughts on Winter Flowering Bulbs

While most of these flower bulbs are referred as winter flowering bulbs, most of these flowers do tend to bloom very early in the spring.

However, seeing one or more of these flowers blooming in early spring while there may still be snow on the ground provides pleasure for anyone weary of winter and looking forward to the arrival of warmer weather.

Before planting any of these bulbs, you will want to do a bit of research to find out which of these plants grow best in the area of which you live.

Winter blooming bulbs

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