Amazing Plants that Have Spiky Leaves
Plants with spiky leaves can add interest and security to your yard or garden, often preventing animals and intruders from breaching the sanctuary of your property.
When adding plants to your indoors, spiky leaved plants can add interest to your other greenery and help provide a more calming and relaxing atmosphere to your living space.
Here is a brief look at some spiky leaf plants for both the inside and outside of your home.
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9 Indoor and Outdoor Plants with Spiky Leaves
There are several spiky leaves plants that can be grown inside and outside of your home. Here is a look at some of those plants.
#1. Aloe Vera Plant
Another extremely popular houseplant is the Aloe Vera plant. This plant has long pointed leaves with sharp edges. The leaves of this plant are green to gray green and will grow in a semi-tropical or arid climate.
Aloe vera has medicinal properties and when the leaves are cut or broken over it releases a gel that is often used to treat cuts and burns.
This plant can also be grown out of doors in certain areas. Interestingly enough, aloe vera is considered to be invasive in some areas of the world. There are about 500 varieties of this plant. Aloe vera is also one of the best drought resistant indoor plants.
#2. Spider Plant
One of the most popular spiky leafed plants grown in homes is the spider plant.
This plant gets its name because of its pointy leaves that curve, looking much like a spider’s legs as they spill over the side of the pot.
The spider plant is a hanging houseplant that grows thin vine like parts on which baby spider plants or plantlets grow. These plantlets can be removed and used to start new spider plants. The spiky leaves of this plant are either green and white (making it one of the distinctive houseplants with striped leaves) or just plain green.
(You may also want to read this article to learn about the different kinds of spider plants).
#3. Barrel Cactus
Barrel Cacti can be grown both indoors and outside and can be kept small or grow to about 10 feet tall.
This cactus has a round shape with spikes around each of the plant’s ribs. The plant is low maintenance preferring lots of sun and dry air.
Barrel cactus also has medicinal qualities and is sometimes used to treat high blood sugar levels. When the plant receives adequate water in the spring it will grow a large yellow flower.
#4. Snake Plant
The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue is an indoor/outdoor plant that has narrow spiky leaves with a yellow edge.
This plant can grow from 1 foot to up 8 feet. It can survive just about anywhere and requires very little sunlight and water. Hence, it is low maintenance and thrives in loose fast draining soil.
This is a great plant to grow indoors since it helps to purify the air and remove toxins.
(You may also want to read this article to learn more about the different types of snake plants).
#5. Dragon Tree
Although the dragon tree can be grown out of doors it is more common as a houseplant. It has spiky green leaves edged with red.
This plant can grow to 20 feet tall in warm outdoor climates. It is low maintenance, drought tolerant and does best in bright indirect sunlight.
During the spring, the dragon tree blooms tiny white flowers. However, you may not want to grow this plant if you have pets since it is toxic to animals.
#6. Haworthia
Haworthia is a small succulent plant that comes in several varieties. This plant is only 3 to 5 inches tall and is extremely slow growing.
It is a perfect plant for growing on windowsills. The plant is low maintenance and requires low sunlight and small amounts of water. It looks similar to aloe vera in appearance, but they are of different genera.
#7. Agave
There are several varieties of the agave plant, which grows best in hot arid climates. Some species of this plant grow 6 feet tall (although there are some versions that are small enough to be grown indoors.)
This plant produces baby plants from its base and is slow growing, it flower only once and then the plant dies.
The leaves of the Agave are spiky and are green or grey-green in color.
#8. Yucca Plant
The yucca is a perennial shrub that comes in 40 to 50 species, with some species growing to about 10 feet tall, making it one of the succulents that grow tall. They are known for their rosette of evergreen spiky leaves.
Yucca plant thrives in well draining soil and full sun; however, it can also tolerate temperatures as cold as 10 F. So it is pretty adaptable to different climates, but you will need to protect them very well during the cold weather.
#9. American Holly
Holly is a plant that is extremely popular during the Christmas season. This plant has bright green spiky toothed leaves and bright red berries that are favored by some species of birds.
The holly grows best in well-drained soil in areas where it receives full sunlight. And it is one of the best screening hedge plants for privacy.
Final Thoughts on Plants with Spiky Leaves
Do keep in mind that it is best to avoid spiky leafed plants with thorns if you have pets or children since they can become injured should they come in contact with the plant, bush or tree. Indoor spiky leafed plants can be placed out of the reach of children and pets.