Awesome Succulents that Grow Tall
Succulents are popular plants for both those who want to grow plants indoors and those who want to grow them outdoors. Most succulent plants are low maintenance, drought resistant, helps to clean and purify air and increases oxygen levels in the home.
While most people think of succulent plants as small potted plants, some succulents can grow to be quite tall. These tall growing succulents are perfect for those who live in warmer climates and wish to create an interesting landscape.

Most of these tall succulents also work well indoors although some plants do need to be grown in buildings with higher ceilings.
Tall succulent plants can add color to any home and even add a sense of dramatic appeal to your décor. Here is a look at some eye catching succulents that grow tall.
17 Amazing Tall Growing Succulents
#1. Tree Aloe (Aloe Barberae)

Tree Aloe is native to South Africa and is a large tree-like succulent that is a relative to the aloe plant most people know. It is a fast growing plant and can grow about 12 inches a year and can reach a height of 20 to 30 feet tall and 10 to 20 feet wide.
The Tree Aloe plant enjoys a warm climate and well-drained soil. It does well in both full and partial sunlight, but the sap from this plant can be irritating to the skin.
When this plant is established, it is drought tolerant and normal rainfall is normally sufficient to water the plant.
#2. African Milk Tree

Native to central Africa, the African Milk Tree resembles a cactus. This plant will grow 1 to 2 feet per year and can reach a height of 9 feet when grown out of doors.
When grown indoors, this plant only grows to 4 to 5 feet tall. The plant itself has a 3 sided triangular stem with ridge seams. These seams have thorns and tear drop shaped leaves.
This plant needs bright indirect sunlight and soil with good drainage. When grown outdoors there is no need to water this plant (unless there is a severe drought) as it can normally grow well with natural rainfall.
Indoors, watering should not occur more than once a week. Plant the African Milk Tree in soil with good drainage.
The African Milk Tree will grow white flowers, but does not tend to flower when grown indoors. The sap of this plant is toxic to both humans and pets if ingested and if touched can cause irritation to the skin.
#3. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Native to Southern Africa, the Snake Plant grows well outdoors in the Southern U.S. Due to its ability to spread over a large area, this plant is best grown in pots.
The Snake Plant has large flat leaves and may grow greenish/white flowers. It does need to be grown in temperatures that are above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
This plant needs bright indirect sunlight and should be watered from the bottom of the pot. Be careful not to over water the plant.
There are several types of Snake plants including: Bird’s Nest, Golden Hahnii, Starfish snake plant and Whale fin. The tallest variety (S. stuckyi) can grow up to 10 feet. The smaller varieties are among the best drought tolerant house plants.
The most common disease this plant suffers from is root rot caused by over watering.
#4. Desert Rose

Native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, the Desert Rose is a slow growing succulent that grows only about a foot a year. Although this plant may not grow as tall as the other tall succulent plants featured here, it can still grow as much as 4 feet tall.
This plant has a thick succulent trunk and thin delicate leaves. When in bloom the flowers of the Desert Rose are trumpet shaped and come in shades of pink as well as red.
If you are planning on growing this plant out of doors, you need to live in zones 11 or 12.
This plant grows best in temperatures between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit and no lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Desert Rose needs lots of sunlight and needs to be watered carefully since it needs a moist soil during the summer months and should be allowed to dry out between watering.
During the winter months, watering should need to done no more than once a month. There are several different types of this plant and the sap can be toxic to both humans and animals.
#5. Yucca Plant

Yucca plants are native to North and South America and can grow up to 30 feet tall. This plant has dark green pointed leaves that look a lot like spears or swords.
They are extremely low maintenance plants that are drought tolerant. This plant needs a lot of sunshine and should only be watered occasionally.
#6. Ocotillo

The Ocotillo plant also known as the desert shrub has long wiry branches on which grows small spikes, leaves and bright pink flowers. These plants grow well in gardens since they normally reach heights of 6 to 10 feet in height.
This plant likes well-drained soil and full sunlight, but can grow in temperatures as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant will lose their leaves during severe droughts, but they also can take up to a year to leaf and flower.
#7. Jade Plant

Jade plants can be grown out of doors, but is one of the succulent plants that is most often grown inside.
This plant is an extremely slow grower since it only grows about 2 inches a year. When full grown it can reach a height of 3 to 6 feet.
While this plant does well in dry conditions, low humidity and cooler temperatures, it does require 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight each day. When this plant gets enough sunlight, the leaves have a reddish tinge to them.
The Jade plant has woody stems and oval shaped leaves and white flowers. This plant can be toxic to dogs and cats.
#8. Firesticks

Firesticks are tall evergreen succulent plants that grow into a shrub. This plant originates in Northern Madagascar, tropical Africa, India and the Arabian Peninsula.
Firesticks can grow to be up to 25 feet tall and has vertical branches that are red gold in color. This plant is used to a lot of sunshine and can do well in drought conditions.
#9. Fishhook Barrel Cactus

The fishhook barrel cactus is native to Northern Mexico and the Southern United States and has a thick barrel-like body with long hooked spines.
This cactus can grow to be 8 feet tall. It grows well in rocky areas and is desert tolerant. The barrel of this cactus holds a lot of moisture. In the wild, fishhook barrel cactus can grow to be 100 years old.
#10. Organ Pipe Cactus

The organ pipe cactus is native to Southern Arizona and Mexico. This cactus is one of the larger species of succulents and stands 26 feet high, making it one of the succulents that grow tall.
It is best planted in rock gardens. The vertical tubes of this cactus have no leaves and look a bit like the pipes of a church organ. When in bloom this cactus has lovely white flowers.
#11. Madagascar Palm

The Madagascar palm’s favorite home is South Madagascar. This plant grows to be 15 feet high. While the Madagascar palm looks like a palm tree, it actually is not.
This plant has a long palm-like trunk with evergreen leaves at the top. It rarely grows branches. The Madagascar palm can be grown as a houseplant and does best in indirect sunlight and a warm climate.
#12. Prickly Pear Cactus

Prickly pear cactus is native to the Americas. There are 180 different species of this cactus. This plant grows best in arid areas and is drought tolerant.
Prickly pear cactus has fast growing detachable spines. It needs a lot of sunshine and can be grown indoors.
#13. Senita Cactus

The Senita cactus is a tall hardy succulent plant that can grow up to 15 feet tall. It has a strong base with stems growing vertically up from the base.
The stems are ribbed and each stem can have up to 15 ribs. The tips of the stems have beard-like hairs.
This succulent blossoms only at night and has pale pink flowers. The Senita cactus grows best in well drained soil and is drought resistant.
#14. Crown of Thorns

The crown of thorns succulent plant originates in Madagascar. This plant can grow to be 6 feet tall.
Also known as the Christ plant, this low-maintenance plant has green leaves and colorful flowers. It can be grown indoors, but be aware that this plant is toxic to both humans and pets.
#15. Giant Agave

The giant Agave originates in the warmer climates of the Americas. This evergreen plant grows up to 8 feet tall and the leaves can spread up to 12 feet.
The Giant Agave plant has dark green leaves with sharp serrated edges. The leaves of this plant tend to be flat.
This plant bloom only once in every 15 to 25 years and has flower stems that grows vertically up to 13 feet.
#16. Eve’s Needle

Eve’s needle originates in South America and can grow up to 13 feet tall and spread up to 10 feet wide. This plant has cylindrical leaves with white spines. New leaves for this plant do not have spines, but the spines grow when the leaves mature.
This is one of the fastest growing succulents and the plant is low maintenance as well as drought resistance.
It grows best in well-drained soil and full sunlight. It needs to be protected from frost in the winter.
#17. African Baobab Tree (Tallest Succulent Plant)

The African Baobab tree original home may be in Africa, Australia and Southwest Asia.
It is the tallest of all succulent plants growing to be 59 feet tall. The trunk of this tree is thick and stores moisture. It also has big tapering branches that grows out of the top of the tree.
This tree needs well-drained soil and rocky ground. If grown indoors, it will out grow its container and needs to be moved out of doors.
Final Thoughts on Tall Succulent Plants
There are several other tall growing succulents you can choose from, but these 6 plants are well worth considering.