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13 Amazing Plants with Large Leaves

13 Magnificent Plants with Big Leaves

Whether you grow a garden outdoors or prefer to have your own selection of greenery indoors, plants with large leaves can add a bit of interest and excitement to your home or yard.

There are a number of plants with big leaves and while some plants are equally suitable for either growing indoors or outdoors, other plants do better in one environment over the other. So, we thought you might be interested in the big leaf plants for both indoors and outdoors featured here.

Plants with large leaves

Outdoor Plants with Large Leaves

When thinking of plants for your yard or garden you may want to consider growing some plants with larger leaves. These types of plants capture attention and add a bit of drama to your property.

Large leaf plants are a great way to add variety to any garden. Here are a few big leaf outdoor plants.

#1. Giant Rhubarb

Giant Rhubarb

Unlike regular rhubarb, giant rhubarb is not edible, but rather a decorative perennial plant with the botanical name Gunnera Manicata. This plant is known for its huge hairy leaves and thick hairy pink stems.

This plant grows best in zones 6-10, and while they can tolerate partial shade, they prefer full sunlight and rich moist soil.

Giant rhubarb can grow to be between 6 and 10 feet tall and have a spread between 8 and 14 inches. While this plant is considered low maintenance it does need a good deal of water to really thrive.

#2. Ligularias


Ligularias are flowering plants that have stunning green and sometimes burgundy kidney shaped notched leaves and golden flowers that look a bit like daisies. A member of the aster family, this plant can reach heights of 3 to 6 feet tall and a width of 12 to 14 inches.

Ligularias grow best in zones 4 through 8 and love damp nutrient rich soil and partial shade, making this plant ideal for those shadier parts of your garden.

#3. Banana Plant

Banana Plant

When most people think of banana plants they think of those taller plants that are often referred to as trees. In truth, while there are many different types of banana plants none of them are actually trees since none of these plants have wooden stems.

Banana plants can grow anywhere from 2 to 30 feet tall and 1 to 15 feet wide. These plants have large paddle looking giant leaves and thick stems or trunks. In the spring these plants bloom white, purple or orange showy flowers and produces green or yellow elongated fruit.

Banana plants grow best in zones 6 through 11 and prefer full sunlight and loamy well-drained soil. This plant is native to Asia, Africa and Australia.

#4. Canna Indica

Canna Indica

The Canna Indica plant is a perennial plant with leaves that resemble that of the banana plant, only the giant leaves of this plant come with green, purple, pink and orange streaks.

There are several varieties of this plant and most grow somewhere between 4 and 7 feet tall and have a spread of 2 or 3 feet.

This plant is best grown in zones 7 through 11 and thrives in full sunlight and all types of soil as long as it is moist and well-drained.

From mid-summer to late fall the leaves of this plant are accented by large orange/red flowers which are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.

#5. Caladiums


Caladiums also known as “Angel Wings” are tropical perennial plants that are noted for their large arrow or heart shaped leaves that come in a combination of red, white, pink or green. They are one of the four elephant ear plant types.

The leaf type, which is either fancy or strap, divides the various varieties of this plant. These plants grow to be between 18 to 24 inches tall and grow best in zones 9 through 11 and prefers filtered sun and moist well-drained soil.

#6. Colocasia (Elephants Ears)

Colocasia (Elephant Ear Plants)

Another type of elephant ear plant, Colocasia has large heart shaped leaves that look like elephant ears. It originates from Southeastern Asia and love tropical climates. This plant thrives in loamy fertile soil and full sun or partial shade.

There are different species of Colocasia and the leaves of the biggest can grow up to 2-4 feet long. Although all parts of this plant is poisonous if eaten raw, the tubers are edible when cooked.

This plant grows best in zones 7b through 10.

#7. Giant Hostas

Giant Hostas

Hostas are hardy perennials that need very little maintenance. They are also shade tolerant and can be grown in full shade or partial shade.

The leaves are dark green or blue when grown in less sun, yellow when grown in more sun and variegated when grown in mixed light. Giant hostas can grow up to 4-5 feet tall and 6-8 feet spread.

These plants require well drained moist soil and grow best in zones 3 through 9.

Big Leaf Indoor Plants

There are several benefits to growing plants with large leaves indoors. Not only do these plants add color and interest to your home, they help remove toxins from the air and increase oxygen levels. Here is a look at some good large leaf plants for indoors.

#8. Rubber Tree Plant (Ficus Elastica)

Rubber Tree (Ficus Elastica)

Rubber trees are evergreen plants that are native to South East Asia where these trees can grow over 100 feet tall. However here is the United States this plant is grown mostly indoors.

Rubber trees have over sized oval leaves and thrives best in zones 10 through 12 with indirect sunlight and moist well-drained soil. Do keep in mind that this plant is toxic to dogs and cats.

#9. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)

Fiddle leaf fig (Ficus Lyrata

Fiddle leaf fig is a tropical plant that is native to Western Africa. This plant derives its name from its fiddle shaped leaves (narrow middle and broad apex). The leaves can grow up to 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. The plant itself can grow up to 6-10 feet tall.

Fiddle leaf figs love full sun, but can also thrive indoors in bright indirect light. They grow best in loamy well draining soil that is moist but not wet. This plant do best in zones 10 through 12. Note that fiddle leaf figs are toxic to cats and dogs.

#10. African Mask Plant

African Mask Plant

The African Mask Plant is another plant that is native to tropical and subtropical areas of Asia and East Australia, which makes it a better plant to grow indoors in the United States, especially for those who live in cooler climates.

This variety of alocasia is a plant that easily garners attention as it has large triangular leaves that are dark green with light green veins.

While there are several varieties of this plant, all prefer bright indirect natural light and well-drained soil.

#11. Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa

One of the largest indoor houseplants is the Monstera Deliciosa, which has big shiny heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 3 feet long.

In its native habitat this plant grows in rain forests and prefers indirect sunlight or partial shade and well-drained moist soil. When grown outdoors this plant is best suited for zones 10 through 12.

#12. Tropic Snow Dumb Cane Plant

Tropic Snow Dumb Cane Plant

The Tropic Snow Dumb Cane plant is a perennial plant with wide textured bright green variegated leaves.

At full maturity this plant stands 4 to 6 feet tall and leaves can grow up to 2 feet long. It prefers indirect sunlight and moist soil. Do keep in mind that this plant is toxic to pets.

#13. Calathea Orbifolia

Calathea Orbifolia

The Calathea Orbifolia plant is a great large leafed plant to grow indoors. This plant has huge round green leaves with silver stripes that can grow up to 6 feet long. (Here are more striped leaf indoor plants).

Native to South America this plant prefers indirect sunlight and moist, but not soggy soil. The Calathea Orbifolia requires temperatures between 55 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 54% humidity. This plant needs to be kept away from drafts.

Final Thoughts on Plants with Large Leaves

Whether looking for large leafed plants for indoors or out the plants mentioned here is an excellent place to start. Now, all you need to do is pick any of the plants featured here that pricks your fancy and meets your needs.

Plants with big leaves

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