Droopy Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves – 7 Causes and Solutions
Fiddle fig trees are some of the most popular plants to grow. They grace the living rooms, bedrooms and other living spaces with their magnificent and vibrant dark green leaves, which qualify them to be in our list of outdoor and indoor large leaf plants.
This tropical plant can thrive as a tree or a houseplant. It derived its name from the fact that its leaves have the shape of a fiddle.
Not only are fiddle leaf figs majestic, but they also provide a calming and tranquil atmosphere in your home. That being said, they can also be finicky and have their own problems such as droopy leaves.
So why are your fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping?
The main reasons why your fiddle leaf fig leaves droop could be dehydration from underwatering, overwatering, root rot, drainage issue, low humidity, insufficient sunlight, shock, lack of fertilizer and more.

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Fiddle Leaf Fig Drooping Leaves – 7 Reasons + Fixes
Knowing what causes your ficus lyrata leaves to droop will help you to find and provide the right solutions. So, let’s get straight to it.
#1. Overwatering
If you notice drooping leaves along with dark brown spots (no crispy leaves, though) you have probably overwatered your plant.
Overwatering once in a while may not be a problem; however, doing it regularly will cause the leaves to droop. The roots will also rot and turn all mushy.
You need to allow the Fiddle Leaf Figs to dry out between waterings. Also, keep your watering down to once a week. You may not be able to tell if the soil is dry by merely looking at it.
The general rule of thumb is that the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil should be dry. Stick your finger in the soil and check if it is dry. If it feels dry, it is an indication that you should water. If you feel only dampness, skip watering for now.
If you have overwatered your fiddle leaf fig, replace the soil immediately instead of waiting for it to dry up.
A word of caution, though! Take a lot of care when you remove the soil from the roots so that you don’t cause further damage to the plant.
#2. Underwatering
This is fairly obvious. If your Fiddle Leaf Figs don’t get enough water and the soil is allowed to dry out, you will notice some tell-tale signs. The branches will be limp.
The leaves will show signs of thirst (dehydration) by getting all droopy, floppy and crispy.
If your soil has dried up for whatever reason, then the plants will need a nice soak. Dry soil is a clear indication that your plant needs more hydration than it is currently getting.
You can check if your plant is getting enough moisture in two ways: sticking your finger into the soil to see how they feel or lifting up your Fiddle Tree Fig to see how light or otherwise it feels.
If the plant is really dry, you can water it every second day. Resist the temptation to douse your plant with a whole lot of water straightaway. Suddenly going from one extreme to the other is not good for your plant’s health.
#3. Inadequate Sunlight
Fiddle Leaf Figs adore sunlight and need a few hours of sunlight every day. Not getting enough light will make your plant unhappy.
Droopy leaves are one of the signs that your fiddle leaf fig is not getting enough sunlight. If the plant is located indoors, you need to place it in a spot where it can get enough sunlight, but it shouldn’t blaze in the sun.
This issue is easy to fix. You just need to move your plant to a spot that receives a good amount of sunlight.
If seasonal changes have caused the temperature in your home to change, then you should change how much heat (or cold) you expose your plant to.
#4. Lack of Humidity
Fiddle leaf fig trees are tropical plants that relish humidity. They do amazingly well with 40 to 60 percent humidity.
If your plant is indoors, lack of humidity will cause it to look weak. It will struggle to thrive in the dry air, which in turn could lead to the leaves turning limp and drooping down.
If your home is not humid enough for your plant, here are a few things you could do:
- Wet the leaves lightly and regularly using a mister.
- Place the plant over a pebble tray. This will give your plant enough moisture as the water evaporates.
- Invest in a humidifier and place it near your plant. You can provide your fiddle leaf fig with consistent moisture, thanks to this handy device.
- Shift your plant to a room in your house that has the most humidity – your bathroom.
- Give your plant a little shower. This will help you to clean the leaves and the soil will rejoice in the good soaking it gets as well!
#5. Drainage Issues
Poor drainage could be the reason behind your fiddle leaf fig drooping. Your Fiddle’s roots shouldn’t sit in too much water. A good draining pot and soil can prevent your fiddle fig leaves from drooping and falling off. Clay or terracotta pots are way better than plastic pots that hold in too much moisture.
You can improve the drainage by using pertile so that the excess water flows out of the drainage holes of your pot.
Another method is to add a few small stones or pebbles at the bottom of your pot. This will ensure that the soil doesn’t block the drainage holes.
#6. Lack of Nutrients
Your plant drooping could mean that it lacks some vital nutrients and needs fertilizer.
Remember to fertilize only once a month during the growing season. Spring, summer and fall are all growing seasons for your fiddle leaf fig.
Your plant also absorbs a lot of dust. So you need to keep the leaves clean not only so they look good, but also to ensure that the dust doesn’t prevent the plant from absorbing sunlight.
To clean the leaves, wipe lightly with a damp cloth monthly, and then you could mist them. You should also pop the leaves in the shower to completely clean the leaves and rehydrate the soil.
#. Transplanting Shock/ Environmental Change
Repotting your plant because of fiddle leaf fig root rot or any other reason can place a lot of stress on the plant’s roots and eventually leads to droopy leaves.
Furthermore, a change in location exposes a plant to a different set of lighting and temperature conditions. This could also send your plant into shock.
Relocating the tree or exposing it to a different routine – be it feeding, watering, lighting, temperature or humidity could shock your plant.
If your plant is undergoing root shock, you should leave it alone. Now is definitely not the time to trim it, twist it around or experiment with it. Given the right sunlight exposure, humidity, water, environment and care, you will be rewarded with new foliar growth in a few months.
#7. Chemical Burns
If you absolutely have to use chemicals on your plant, there is a chance that they could harm your plants. Chemical burns are caused by detergents and insecticides. You will notice that something is off by the drooping leaves.
The effect of chemical burns becomes worse when combined with sunlight exposure.
You can avoid droopy leaves due to chemical exposure by rinsing the leaves to remove all traces of chemicals before putting them out in the sun.
If possible use only natural and organic alternatives like neem oil to address whatever problems your fiddle leaf fig may be experiencing.
Final Thoughts on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Drooping
It can be upsetting to watch your lovely fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping. But every problem has a solution. Identifying the root cause of the drooping leaves and taking corrective measures can help your plants bounce back again. Happy gardening!