Sansevieria Leaves Splitting – 6 Reasons + Fixes
Thanks to the striking foliage, this is one of the most popular indoor ornamental plants. The snake plant is also an adored houseplant as it requires minimal maintenance. However, excessive neglect or improper caring may lead to some issues.
Snake plant leaves are sturdy but still susceptible to damage such as splitting leaves.
So you may be wondering, why do snake plant leaves split?
Snake plant leaves splitting may be due to overwatering, sudden temperature increase, and low humidity. Moreover, physical damage and inadequate boron may lead to this.
In this article, we discuss what causes snake plant splitting leaves, the solutions, whether split leaves grow back, and more.
Dive in.

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Why are My Plant Leaves Splitting?
Typically, physical damage and overwatering are the main causes of Sansevieria plant leaves splitting. However, split leaves can indicate various conditions, as discussed below.
#1. Overwatering
Snake plants are succulent plants. Hence they don’t tolerate excessive watering.
These plants are difficult to eradicate. They are robust and withstand intense droughts. On the other hand, excessive water isn’t ideal for them.
Snake plants need water only if the soil is intensely dry.
Always check the soil for dryness before watering. If moist, leave it for a few days before doing so.
When you overwater snake plants, they absorb the additional water and store it in their leaves.
The stored water transpires rapidly when the temperature rises, and the leaves may split.
Fixing Overwatering
- If you’ve excessively watered your snake plants, the best course of action is to replace the potting medium. Ensure the replacement soil has better drainage.
- Additionally, now would be an excellent time to check the roots for rot. If you think there is rot, use a cleaning solution and warm water to wipe the roots gently.
- Also, have a watering schedule to ensure you don’t water twice.
#2. Low Humidity
Snake plants require a moderate humidity level, between 40% and 50%. Levels under 40% cause them to utilize more water. As a result, the plants become dehydrated.
Dried leaves are extremely susceptible to splitting and cracking because of physical and cell destruction.
Fixing Low Humidity
- Mist the snake plant leaves daily
- You may use a humidifier.
- A homemade pebble tray is another alternative. (Put several pebbles on a dish and fill it with water; then place your snake plant pot on top.)
#3. Pests
Snake plant pest infestation isn’t typical, but certain conditions, such as excessive watering and fertilization, may rot the roots and invite pests.
Another factor contributing to the pest problem is plant overcrowding.
If other infected plants are nearby, pests can move to your snake plants.
Spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs are the most common snake plant pests. They suck sap from the leaves, leaving minute scars on the exterior that may later progress into large scars and splits.
Fixing the Problem of Pest Infestation
- Keeping your plants clean will help keep insects and pests at bay.
- Use insecticidal soap to get rid of insects.
- You can also use neem oil to get rid of pests.
#4. Inadequate Micronutrients
A snake plant needs soil’s natural elements to grow beside the water, sunlight, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. These elements include nitrogen, zinc, phosphorus, copper, potassium, boron, and more.
Boron deficiency is amongst the main causes of splitting in snake plants. This nutrient transports sugars in the plant.
Without boron, leaf cells cease to grow. In limited levels, the leaves grow fragile and are prone to cracking and splitting.
Fixing Boron Deficiency
- Determine the pH of your soil. Boron is unavailable in soils that are highly acidic or alkaline.
- Increase the amount of organic matter in the soil to increase the availability of vital nutrients.
- Alternatively, use boric acid solution (not exceeding a teaspoon per gallon of water) to spray the leaves.
#5. Drastic Environmental Changes
Simply because snake plants are robust houseplants doesn’t mean you should mishandle them. Constantly relocating your snake plants shocks them.
If you keep them in your dimly lit bedroom, then relocate them to the hot front garden, you shock them. As there is insufficient water in their leaves to prep for the transition, the sun burns and splits them.
Winter is a pivotal moment to monitor your snake plants since they don’t do well in extreme cold.
Consider moving your plants to a slightly warmer, sunnier location if they are in a colder area of the house. However, keep in mind that environmental change can’t be too drastic.
Fixing Drastic Environmental Changes
- Plan for winter by relocating your snake plant away from drafty areas or those with insufficient sunlight.
- Avoid moving your plant unless necessary – for example, if it’s a high-traffic region or heater.
- If you’re experiencing dry weather, use the pebble method or humidifier to help balance the water content of the air.
#6. Physical Damage
While it isn’t intended to harm these plants, placing them in highly frequented pathways may result in accidentally damaged leaves. Although this doesn’t harm the plants, it leaves them scarred and quite unsightly.
With severe damage to the phloem, nutrients may not reach all leaf parts. Soon, it dies and needs removal.
Cats and dogs may also harm these plants. So, split leaves can occur due to cats gnawing or scratching the leaves. Also, dogs may knock down the plant while running around.
Another factor to consider is the level of playfulness displayed by your pets. Because snake plants are poisonous to pets if consumed, keep these plants inaccessible to your pets.
Fixing Physical Damage
- Place your plants in a secure area that is out of reach of your roaming pets. Additionally, protect them by enclosing them in a barricade like construction or indoor fences.
- Have plant holders or large pots to position the plant at a high level.
- Train pets to behave appropriately around your indoor plants.
Do Broken Snake Plant Leaves Grow Back?
If you don’t like seeing dead or damaged leaves, you may cut them off, but this isn’t necessary. Over time, the plant self-heals, and these broken and damaged leaves die and drop off.
Nevertheless, if your snake plant has significant damage, natural healing may take an extended time (months).
Additionally, if snake plant leaves are pest or disease-damaged, it’s best to remove the compromised leaves. By removing the impacted leaves, you halt the spread of the pest or disease.
How Do You Fix Broken Leaves?
Often breakage of snake plant leaves is due to physical damage. In that case, you fix broken leaves by ensuring you position your indoor plants in low-traffic areas. Moreover, ensure the plants are beyond the reach of playful pets.
Can a Snake Plant Recover from Overwatering?
Acting quickly can help the plant recover from overwatering. When plants are in waterlogged soils for an extended period, they may develop root rot, which can be fatal.
You can rescue the plant by stopping watering and relocating it to a warm location.
Final Thoughts on Snake Plant Leaves Spitting
Snake plants are easy to grow indoors. They require little care, but you must take care not to overwater as it’s the most common reason for leaf splits. Hopefully, you found the information in this article helpful for growing healthy snake plants.